Can You Relate to This?

It's time for the're feeling on track and you got a little more spring to your step. You're optimistic that from this point forward life is gonna be different. And then...


Oops I did it again! 

Maybe it's a counterproductive behavior like binge eating, skipping meals, or excessively exercising when your body is screaming for rest. Or maybe it is a bad body image day on steroids.

Whatever it is, it feels HORRIBLE. Like a slip back, a set back, a "relapse" into old ways of being, doing, and thinking. 

This is an inevitable part of the recovery process.

Good news is we can learn and grow from these relapses with the right decoding of them.


Hello there, my warrior friend

My name is Jessica Flint, Founder of Recovery Warriors. When I first started recovery, I felt like my weight and food behaviors were holding me back from everything in life. I was insecure, mean, and judgmental of the woman I saw in the mirror. I questioned if I was "recovery material" or even if I was "sick enough". Thank God I didn't give up. Life is so much better on the other side of an eating disorder. And with a decade of professional experience healing eating disorders, I know how to help you get there.
Jessica Flint

What You'll Learn

No matter where you're at in your recovery you will get a lot out of this workshop. Feeling strong? Great! You will leave this session feeling even stronger. Feeling weak and doubtful? I got you! You will come out of this hour with renewed confidence and a plan.

  • The physics of a relapse and how it relates to your behavioral urges

  • A 3 part model to determine what *actually* triggers you to slip back

  • Why you sabotage your success and how to stop the pattern

  • How to create a solid action plan for the holiday season

Social proof: testimonials

“Oh how I needed these wise reminders! The session was insightful & the concepts helped me reframe my own current relapse! I feel encouraged and armed with more tools 🧰 Thank you, Jessica Flint”


“Thank you so very much for this workshop 💞. Most amazing explanation of relapsing I have ever heard about! I've been asking for an answer as to why I again and again we go back to very unwanted eating behaviors and your Magnetic Force Analogy is the answer I have been looking for.”


“I like that this is short-term. I get overwhelmed when I get behind in longer-term commitments. I'm committing myself to continuing fighting for recovery now by taking the next right step, and then the next. ”


“Thank you for that training! I found this workshop right after I had a relapse from a behavior that I’d held at bay for quite a long time. This was precisely the reboot my brain needed right now. We’ve got this!!!”
